By omitting proper consideration at the time of renewal, this practice costs Canadian citizens thousands of extra dollars every year. Nearly 60% of borrowers simply sign and send back their renewal that is first offered to them by their lender without ever shopping around for a more favourable interest rate.

Optimize Your Mortgage Renewal for Savings with Dominion Lending Centres Accredited Mortgages

Don’t settle for your existing lender’s initial rate offer – negotiating is key. Simply accepting the market rate upon renewal can unnecessarily drain your finances.

To secure the best deal, start exploring new mortgage terms four months before your current one expires. Many lenders send renewal letters too close to the expiration, leaving you with insufficient time to explore alternative options. Stay proactive in tracking your mortgage term timeline and initiate the search for favorable renewal rates in advance.

Rather than waiting for your lender’s renewal notice, empower yourself by having a licensed mortgage professional scout for better deals. You’ll be astonished at the savings they can secure on your behalf!

Given that your mortgage is a significant expense, finding the most favorable interest rates and terms is crucial. During renewal, take the opportunity to shop around and potentially save substantial amounts over your mortgage’s life. Don’t fall into the 60% who blindly sign and return renewal letters. Opt for the expertise of a licensed professional from Dominion Lending Centres Accredited Mortgages to ensure lenders vie for your business. Maximize your savings and financial well-being by being proactive in securing the best mortgage terms available with DLC Accredited Mortgages.